Technical Hub Warranties
Our flooring are sold with a 20 Year Residential Wear Warranty, effective from the date of purchase.
Warranty Downloads
- Quick-Step Laminate warranty Download
- Quick-Step Timber warranty Download
- Quick-Step Hybrid warranty Download
- Pergo Laminate warranty Download
- Pergo Wood warranty Download
- Pergo Hybrid warranty Download
- Clix Laminate XL warranty Download
- Clix Laminate Plus warranty Download
- Nature’s Oak Timber warranty Download
- Titan Vinyl & Hybrid warranty Download
- ARC Bamboo warranty Download
Who is covered?
The original purchaser is covered. In the case that a builder or developer purchases the flooring, the occupant of the residential home 12 months after purchase of the flooring will be entitled to cover under this warranty, effective from the date of the initial purchase.
What the residential wear warranty covers
This warranty covers wear through of the surface of the floor (show through of the HDF core) in any single area greater than 1cm² within the nominated warranty periods. Our Flooring Installation Instructions must be followed closely when installing your Floor and Flooring Care & Maintenance Guidelines should be followed at all times after your flooring is installed. Installation instructions and Care & Maintenance Guidelines can be obtained by contacting your flooring Retailer (place of purchase or online) at any time.

New Zealand Consumer Guarantees Act
The warranties provided by Floorscape are in addition to any rights you have under the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993. Nothing contained in these warranties exclude, restrict, modify or affect the application of and condition, guarantee, right or remedy provided by New Zealand Consumer Laws.
What is not covered?
- Water damage to the floor as a direct result of spillages, flood / deluge or appliance failure or any other exposure to water.
- Scratches, chips or indentations to the surface of the floor or any other damage caused by mechanical means, misuse or abuse. Damage, intentional or accidental, caused by stiletto heels, dragged objects, heavy furniture, sand, stones, castor wheels, dropped items etc are also excluded, as are surface marks and permanent stains.
- Wear or damage that may be associated with improper installation or improper maintenance.
- Labour charges are not covered for any installation that has not been professionally installed by a suitably qualified floor installer in the first instance. This includes DIY installations. In the instance of professionally installed floors, reasonable labour charges to repair or replace flooring, at the sole discretion of an authorized Floorscape representative, are covered under warranty.
- Any costs associated with any rectification work required other than the supply of new flooring and scotia beading if necessary should a warranty claim be acknowledged. Re-painting, removal of fixtures or furniture, accommodation and any other similar cost is specifically excluded from this warranty.
- Boards that are visibly faulty or could have reasonably been deemed visually or structurally inappropriate prior to installation should not be installed and are therefore also not covered by this or, to the extent allowed by law, any other warranty.
How to evoke a claim?
To evoke a claim under this warranty, communication with the retailer that the flooring was purchased from must be made within 30 days of noticing the problem. Proof of purchase will most often be required when contact with the retailer is made. The retailer will then contact the authorised distributor to arrange an inspection of the flooring installed, shortly after which a determination will be made regarding the warranty claim. Only duly authorised representatives of the manufacturer / distributor can authorise a claim. If a claim is authorised, remedies will be tailored to suit individual circumstances. Remedies can vary depending on the condition of the floor and warrantable area from full floor replacement to the repair of individual boards. The remedy on each claim will be
at the sole discretion of Floorscape. Should board replacement be necessary, new boards from the current batch will be supplied to replace or repair boards. This warranty is in addition to, and has no impact on, statutory rights of any purchaser. Claims must be lodged by contacting the retailer from where the flooring was purchased within 30 days of the problem being noticed.

Acceptable Quality
Floorscape flooring is fit for use in internal environments/installations and should not be used externally. Furthermore, our laminate flooring should not be directly glued/adhered or pinned to a subfloor and must be installed as a floating floor. Laminate flooring should be installed in a “laminate flooring friendly environment” in which the area is occupied, protected from direct heat and sunlight and where heating and cooling systems are in place and used to control the internal temperatures and humidity. Careful attention should be paid to relevant installation instructions and care and maintenance guidelines as failure to adhere to recommendations may result in flooring failure.
Major Failure
Our flooring is resistant to chips, scratches, stains and wear but not “proof” in any respect (i.e. scratch proof) and reasonable care should be taken to avoid scratching chips & damage from occurring. In addition, some gloss variation between boards installed may occur. Our laminate is made using High Density Fibreboard in the core of the product and that this wood based material can be susceptible to seasonal movement, creating small gaps between the joins of each board. Note that small gaps, gloss variation, scratches and chips are NOT considered as major failure. They are considered part of purchasing a laminate floor. These definitions are not intended to reduce or diminish the statutory rights of any purchaser.